Are You at Home in Your Mind & Body?

“You love Cleveland?” said the guy waiting for his coffee. “Yes,” I said. “It’s scrappy and evolving and hasn’t quite made it, there’s an energy of evolution and inspiration. The music is fab, the museums are awesome, the food is delicious, the schools are varied and...

The Courage to Speak

Hey! I  just got back from an amazing trip where I got to hang out with a bunch of my favorite entrepreneurs. We did a lot of work on creating our biz ideas and goals, which was a combination of listening to our own deepest thoughts and feelings and then finding a way...

Habit Shift: 3 Tips for Accountability

Hey! You know what it’s like when you’re trying to add a new habit or remove an old habit, that no longer serves you? Well, here are some tips for accountability: If you prefer notes: 1) Create a Checklist (digital or paper) so you can document your...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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