by TAadministrator | Sep 20, 2016 | Habits
I have been trying out apps for a while, to see which ones help me/are fun, and which ones are just irritating! For Meditation there are two apps that I recommend: Insight Timer & Headspace. I use Insight Timer because a) it tells me who & how many people in...
by TAadministrator | Sep 6, 2016 | Brain, Habits, Vision
I am a traveler. Maybe as a result of my parents getting me on planes, trains, camels, boats & funiculars in my childhood or my innate love of exploring people & places. I thrive on change, energy, differences, new. As an entrepreneur & divorced mother of...
by TAadministrator | Aug 31, 2016 | Brain, Habits, Mindset
When I was 16, I told my mother I was not going to do my Physics GSCE (British State exams), because I knew that I did not have a good enough grasp on the subject to get an A. She persuaded me by saying – people will want to know how many you got, not the individual...
by TAadministrator | Aug 16, 2016 | Ayurveda, Habits, Mindset
I have been heavily steeped in the back-to-school energy all my life, going from school, to college, to graduate school, to a post-doctoral fellowship, to motherhood. There is something very cleansing and energizing as the weather starts to shift, the back to school...
by TAadministrator | Jul 27, 2016 | Brain, Habits, Mindfulness, Vision
Every day there are moments which can push you into the negative. Small things like why do I always get a shaving rash? Big things like how overwhelmed with sadness I felt when I my ex-husband dropped off the kids for me to take to Europe and, I realized that my kids...
by TAadministrator | Jul 6, 2016 | Habits, Mindfulness, Mindset
I frequently post about food – how much, what, when etc and if you follow me on Instagram or FB, you’ll see that a lot of my posts are about how to make healthy, easy, plant-based meals. And what you eat is really where it’s at in terms of your long term physical...