by TAadministrator | May 14, 2018 | Habits
If you find yourself waking in the night, this is such a great tool to help!! I could NOT believe the power this had and so much better for you than a prescription sleeping pill, which was what my Doctor suggested! 1 c milk ½ tsp vanilla ¼-½ tsp of each: nutmeg,...
by TAadministrator | May 13, 2018 | Habits
Make it short and sweet. Less than an hour – otherwise you’ll be foggy and find it hard to wake up. (Caveat – if you had a very disturbed night, try to make up your 7-8 hours, before 3pm). Nap before 3pm so you don’t perpetuate the disturbed sleep cycle....
by TAadministrator | May 12, 2018 | Habits
Meditation teaches you about your own mind Meditation teaches you to let go Meditation teaches you to pause before you react Meditation can change your brain – increases empathy areas, reduced reaction to emotional events Meditation improves your ability to be...
by TAadministrator | May 12, 2018 | Habits, Mindfulness
When you wake up there’s that perfect moment to frame your day. Starting your day on your own terms. Instead of filling your head with the agendas of others – emails, or your FB or Insta feeds, allow yourself the space to focus on you. First, sit quietly and...
by TAadministrator | May 11, 2018 | Ayurveda, Habits
Exercise – get the prana moving. This is important for your digestion. For your mood – hello endorphins! And – don’t you love that feeling when your favorite pair of jeans fit just perfectly?! Don’t make it a chore. Do something you enjoy –...
by TAadministrator | May 11, 2018 | Habits
Pay attention to your body when you start your day. Your body serves as the vehicle for your amazing mind, so treat it well, but don’t obsess. Drink a few pints of warm lemon water, to increase the alkalinity and to help flush out your digestive tract! Then eat...