Golden Milk for a Golden Night’s Sleep

If you find yourself waking in the night, this is such a great tool to help!! I could NOT believe the power this had and so much better for you than a prescription sleeping pill, which was what my Doctor suggested! 1 c milk ½ tsp vanilla ¼-½ tsp of each: nutmeg,...

3 Tips for a Kickass Nap

Make it short and sweet. Less than an hour – otherwise you’ll be foggy and find it hard to wake up. (Caveat – if you had a very disturbed night, try to make up your 7-8 hours, before 3pm). Nap before 3pm so you don’t perpetuate the disturbed sleep cycle....

EIGHT Reasons Why you Should Meditate

Meditation teaches you about your own mind Meditation teaches you to let go Meditation teaches you to pause before you react Meditation can change your brain – increases empathy areas, reduced reaction to emotional events Meditation improves your ability to be...

Feed your soul.

When you wake up there’s that perfect moment to frame your day. Starting your day on your own terms. Instead of filling your head with the agendas of others – emails, or your FB or Insta feeds, allow yourself the space to focus on you. First, sit quietly and...

Nourish Your Physical Body

Exercise – get the prana moving. This is important for your digestion. For your mood – hello endorphins! And – don’t you love that feeling when your favorite pair of jeans fit just perfectly?! Don’t make it a chore. Do something you enjoy –...

Feed your body.

Pay attention to your body when you start your day. Your body serves as the vehicle for your amazing mind, so treat it well, but don’t obsess. Drink a few pints of warm lemon water, to increase the alkalinity and to help flush out your digestive tract! Then eat...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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