What are Your Rules for Life?

I recently went to a retreat for a group of us who are engaging in classes about the yoga and healing businesses with Cate Stillman of yogahealer.com Cate organized an improv session for us with Mel Paradis. I was apprehensive, having no acting experience and...

Where Are You Rich?

Take a moment to consider whether you are wealthy. Where did your mind go? Your bank account? Your health? Your home? Your friends? For many of us the concept of wealth is strongly linked to our Financial Capital. There is more! Depending on whom you talk to, you will...

We All Need a Board of Directors!

I have just completed my Executive Coaching Certification at Weatherhead Management School, Case Western Reserve University. It was an intellectually engaging and a deep, personally reflective journey, which also included making new friends and colleagues. The...

Find Your Lovelihood, not Your Livelihood!

During my studies to become an executive coach, I have had to do a lot of soul searching and evaluating my life, my goals, my desires. I have also had to start practice coaching and then talking to my coach about how I was finding the experience, what I was saying,...

Pranayama – What is it?

Prana is often translated as Breath. Yet it is more than that – it is energy, life force. In Ayurveda we conceive of the body as consisting of multiple layers – the physical body (annamayokosha), the energetic body (pranamyokosha), the mind body (manomyokosha) and so...

6 Tips for Rhythmic Kids & a Rhythmic Life

Kids thrive in a rhythmic environment. Yet this rhythm is hard to cultivate in our over-scheduled, activity-laden lifestyle, where after-school activities vary in time and location! The more routine and rhythm you can inject into your day, the more mental space there...

Indulge Yourself: Get Personal

As part of the pre-work assigned to me for my Executive Coaching Certification program at Weatherhead, Case Western Reserve University, I had to consider my noble purpose, and a number of other factors – words that I connected with, jobs that interested me, my values....

Leadership is a Relationship

There are four key components to social and emotional intelligence. These are self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. Without these, it is hard to be an effective manager and leader. Self-awareness is the ability to recognize...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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