by TAadministrator | Sep 24, 2014 | Habits
Six mornings a week, I wake around 5am. I turn on the kettle, scrape my tongue, brush my teeth, use the neti pot, drink a quart of warm water and go to my yoga mat. Some mornings, maybe even half the mornings, I don’t want to get up. This feeling is particularly...
by TAadministrator | Sep 4, 2014 | Habits, Mindfulness, Stress
Between a third to almost a half of 18-65 year-old Americans fall asleep unintentionally during the day. Just ponder that for a moment. As many as 45% of American fall asleep BY MISTAKE every day. Think about those people who are driving buses, trucks or trains; or...
by TAadministrator | Sep 2, 2014 | Habits
1) EAT A LIGHT, EARLY DINNER Gravity helps you digest food, so give yourself a few hours before you lie down If you eat earlier, you’ll go to bed earlier When you sleep, you want to be detoxing not processing food 2) PLAN MEALS We make thousands of decision every day...
by TAadministrator | Aug 27, 2014 | Brain, Habits, Mindfulness
Historically, psychological research suggested that we did not have a lot of control over the way we felt and acted. Martin Seligman points this out in his book Learned Optimism. For example, he notes that we acted as a result of our unresolved childhood issues...
by TAadministrator | Aug 20, 2014 | Habits, Mindfulness, Vision
What do you pay attention to every day? The ding of a new text message? The ping of a new FB notification? The chime of a new email? The smell of the flowers in your garden? The feel of your dogs coat when you pet her? The sound of your child’s voice? A friend of mine...
by TAadministrator | Aug 12, 2014 | Habits, Mindfulness, Vision
In the 1980s I used to get chain letters which I had to forward to a certain number of people. Then in the 1990s I started getting “chain emails” which I had to forward to a certain number of people. Now I get tagged on Facebook with something that I am supposed to do...
by TAadministrator | Aug 6, 2014 | Mindfulness, Mindset, Vision
As I embark on a new life, separated from the father of my children, I find myself turning to writings, poems and inspiring quotations to help me navigate. I find that others put things into words for me, which help me process what I am feeling. For myself I am drawn...
by TAadministrator | Jul 30, 2014 | Mindset
One of my kids finds it really hard when his stuff gets moved, played with, altered or broken. He is not alone. I see it in others & I have viscerally experienced this myself! The frustration I would feel when as a fourteen year old I would press play &...
by TAadministrator | Jul 23, 2014 | Mindfulness
Sometimes you have to deal with it. Whatever it might be. Perhaps this is something that you have brushed under the rug for ages, or is a new obstacle that is lying in front of you. Perhaps you have found strategies that allow you to burrow underneath the obstacle and...
by TAadministrator | Jul 15, 2014 | Habits
Nearly every day, this is what I do when I wake up: I turn on my kettle, scrape my tongue, splash cold water on my face, brush my teeth, drink a quart of warm water, do a few yoga poses, massage my whole body with oil, meditate, do some pranayama (breath practices),...