Kaizen – The Art of Small Effective Changes

Kaizen, traditionally a Japanese business term, is an approach that focuses on small incremental changes to improve efficiency. This is a great way to think about habit changes. What is one small change you can make this week to shift a habit? Adding a new habit? Do...

Kintsugi – Revel in, and Celebrate the Breaks

When things fall apart, it’s really easy to just feel like crap. To blame. To give up. To turn to numbing activities. But, there is another approach: to celebrate the breaks. In Japan, there is a practice, called Kintsugi, where pottery is glued back together again...

Self-Determination Theory

You feel most powerful when… … you are acting from a place of self-motivation and self-drive, you feel capable and competent in your work and you are connected to others, to the goal, and to the social frame within which you are acting. So says the...


Angela Duckworth in her book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, states that passion and perseverance, i.e. our excitement about something and our commitment to pursuing it, are the fundamentals for grittiness. She makes a cogent case for the power of grit in...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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