by TAadministrator | Jul 15, 2015 | Habits, Mindfulness, Mindset
You walk into a room. And before you even open your mouth, you know. You can feel it. Your heart rate starts to rise. You feel hot & a bit nauseous as the cortisol starts to flow. The person in the room is mad, steaming, angry and the volatility is...
by TAadministrator | May 19, 2015 | Habits, Mindfulness
I just got back from a short trip to Europe. We had never traveled together before and were not sure how we would blend – were we planners or go-with-the-flow-ers? Stressees or managers of the unexpected delays/flight cancellations/wrongly boarded express trains...
by TAadministrator | May 12, 2015 | Habits, Mindfulness
I hosted a pot-luck at my house on Sunday (US Mother’s Day). My friends are diverse, like my taste in music: from Beethoven, to Calvin Harris, alt-j to the Sound of Music soundtrack, Carlos Jones to Prince, the Stones to Michael Calfan, my friends range from native...
by TAadministrator | Mar 16, 2015 | Brain, Habits, Mindfulness, Vision
I am really interested in this phenomena that I am noticing around the issue of recording and sharing experiences. There seems to be a real need to record all events in one’s life – and I definitely fall prey to this: I have found myself narrating my experience...
by TAadministrator | Mar 10, 2015 | Habits, Vision
If you live somewhere with fabulous, cold, snowy winters like I do, then you are probably starting to get excited about the shift that is now underway. The snow is starting to melt, I am seeing muddy grass for the first time in months and the temperature has actually...
by TAadministrator | Mar 4, 2015 | Brain, Habits, Vision
I recently joined a powerful group of women who meet monthly and talk, and share resources about writing and motherhood and womanhood. We talk, we eat, we share and we write. This weekend we worked with two prompts. One of the prompts revolved around the notion of...