by TAadministrator | Jan 19, 2016 | Brain, Habits, Mindset
There is something infinitely freeing about doing all your own chores. For years I tried multiple different approaches to get my ex-husband to help me: dividing the chores in half (e.g. bathroom & bedroom vs kitchen and sitting room), rotating them week to week,...
by TAadministrator | Jan 12, 2016 | Brain, Habits, Mindfulness
I’ve just moved house. It was exhausting and exhilarating. I sorted: keep, donate, sell. I packed: with the help of dear friends. I moved: with the help of dear friends and a great moving company. I am unpacking: with the help of dear friends and a lot of personal...
by TAadministrator | Dec 29, 2015 | Habits, Mindfulness, Vision
I just watched Southpaw, the movie about the boxer Billy Hope, played by Jake Gyllenhal. What is striking in the movie – beyond his extraordinary muscular boxer’s physique – is the way his technique shifts from attacking and receiving the punches, to...
by TAadministrator | Dec 9, 2015 | Brain, Habits, Mindfulness, Vision
When the holidays descend on us, we have many aspects to manage – the travel, the gifts, family, the food…. For some of us it can feel totally overwhelming. I sat down with my friend Tammy Svenson the other day to come up with some of our top issues, so that we...
by TAadministrator | Nov 17, 2015 | Habits, Mindfulness
The stress continues to build in my life. My house has now sold. I have 7 weeks to find a new home for me, my three kids, my new au pair (who is arriving from France, 3 days after we close on this house), my 90lb rescue mutt, the guinea pig and the three fishes! I...