Self Love

Are you practicing Self love? #stressmanagement #selfesteem #selfhelp #healthyhabits #overwhelm #habits...

What is Healthy?

In Yoga and Ayurveda, we are thought to be made up of koshas or sheaths. These sheaths, when functioning well are stacked on top of each other, like Russian stacking dolls or the layers of an onion. The first is the physical body – the anamyakosha. The second is...

The Word Yoga Comes From…

…The stem yuj, which means to yoke or bind? There are different interpretations of what is binding or connecting. Some yogis consider it to be more about connecting the mind with the body, through the action of breath. As humans, our brains are constructed in...

Breath – the Flow of Life

Breathing is managed by the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which means you don’t have to think about it. Now, what makes breathing unusual and different to a lot of other functions that are controlled by the ANS, is that we can also control it.  Ancient yogis found...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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