by TAadministrator | Jun 16, 2018 | Habits
I went to a yoga workshop many years ago and the teacher, at a point when we were all holding a really hard pose, said, you know why I encourage you to keep calm and breathe steadily? We all raised our eyes, like yeah, really? When are we going to be released from the...
by TAadministrator | Jun 15, 2018 | Habits
I sometimes like to categorize yoga poses according to the effect they have on me, for example: Standing poses – strengthening, fierce (in the Bey way) Inversions – energizing (except, when you’ve been practicing a long time and headstand and shoulderstand...
by TAadministrator | Jun 14, 2018 | Video
What’s your Keystone Habit? #keystonehabit #habitcreation #selflove #stressmanagement #positivechange...
by TAadministrator | Jun 14, 2018 | Habits
In yoga asana – the physical practice of yoga, there are a number of different ways to categorize the poses. One is by their names – eg. animal poses (e.g. downward facing dog, scorpion, eagle), sage poses, (vishvamitra, virhaba) shape/anatomy poses...
by TAadministrator | Jun 13, 2018 | Video
Are you a procrastinator? #stressmanagement #selfesteem #selfhelp #healthyhabits #healthcoach #overwhelm #lifecoach #detox #habits...