Yoga Teaches You Mindset

I went to a yoga workshop many years ago and the teacher, at a point when we were all holding a really hard pose, said, you know why I encourage you to keep calm and breathe steadily? We all raised our eyes, like yeah, really? When are we going to be released from the...

Yoga Poses for Different Moments in Your Life

I sometimes like to categorize yoga poses according to the effect they have on me, for example: Standing poses – strengthening, fierce (in the Bey way) Inversions – energizing (except, when you’ve been practicing a long time and headstand and shoulderstand...

Categorizing Yoga Poses

In yoga asana – the physical practice of yoga, there are a number of different ways to categorize the poses. One is by their names – eg. animal poses (e.g. downward facing dog, scorpion, eagle), sage poses, (vishvamitra, virhaba) shape/anatomy poses...


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