The 5 Yamas – or Yoga’s Golden Rules: 2) Satya

The second of the five Yamas is Satya, which means truthfulness. This is really about whether you engage with people in a way that means you are being honest and truthful. Can you live a life of truthfulness? There are some discussions of these ancient yogic texts...

The 5 Yamas – or Yoga’s Golden Rules: 1) Ahimsa

The first of the five yama’s which are essentially a set of ethical standards about how you treat others, is ahimsa. The pre-fix ‘a’ in Sanskrit, like in English indicates ‘non’ or without. So the word AHIMSA translates as non-violence or not causing pain. This yama...

The 8 Limbs of Yoga

There are eight limbs of yoga – ashtanga (ashta – 8, anga – limbs). My favorite book to discuss this is BKS Iyengar’s book The Tree of Yoga. In it he articulates the eight limbs as parts of a tree and draws this beautiful analogy between the elements...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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