Kaizen continuous improvement

Tamsin Astor, PhD, your Chief Habit Scientist shares with you “Kaizen continuous improvement” so you can cultivate the healthy habits to live a life of freedom! #stressmanagement #selfhelp #goodstress #healthyhabits #positivechange #habits #kazien...

Kaizen & Exercise

Tamsin Astor, PhD, your Chief Habit Scientist shares with you “Kaizen & Exercise” so you can cultivate the healthy habits to live a life of freedom! #stressmanagement #selfhelp #healthyhabits #habits #lifecoach #kazien #exercise...

The 5 Yamas – or Yoga’s Golden Rules: 3) Asteya

The third of the five is Yamas is Asteya, means non-stealing or non-grasping. In the wonderful commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (which lays out the practice of yoga, of which the Eight limbs are a part), Sri Swami Satchidananda describes Satya and Asteya as...

Kaizen of Sleep

Tamsin Astor, PhD, your Chief Habit Scientist shares with you “Kaizen of Sleep” so you can cultivate the healthy habits to live a life of freedom! #stressmanagement #selfesteem #kazien #sleep...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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