Mindfulness in Daily Life: COOKING

Cooking can feel like a chore for some people, but for others, it’s a pleasure and joy. I usually find it’s a pleasure and joy, but occasionally I find it a chore – particularly when I find myself getting frustrated that my three kids won’t all eat what I want to make...

Mindfulness in Daily Life: FOOD

When you eat, do you really pay attention to what you’re actually eating? Or are you eating on the run, between meetings at your desk, in your car, watching Netflix? Do you notice or reflect on: The colors The textures The shapes The flavors Where the food comes from...

The 5 Niyamas or Self Disciplines: 4) Svadhyaya

Svadhyaya means self-study and inner exploration. This involves both reading books that are inspirational to you and help you reflect on the world and your role in it. It’s also about studying how you show up, your reactions to events, your triggers, who you are in...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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