The 2 Components of Habit Shifting

Changing habits requires two main components: the first is the actual change of the habit (adding a new one of tackling the removal of a negative habit), the second is changing of the mindset behind, under or around that habit. You can do them together, or...

Force of Habit

Today my book Force of Habit: Unleash Your Power by Developing Great Habits is released!! This book is a culmination of committed action, reflection, hard draft and passionate action. It started in the fall of 2016, as an idea and a challenge that I committed to… 2017...

Radical Responsibility in Our Bodies too!

“The idea that we are controlled by our genes is false. It’s an idea that turns us into victims. I’m saying that we are the creators of our situation. The genes are merely blueprints. We are the contractors, we can adjust the blueprints. And we can rewrite them.”...

10 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change a Habit

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