by TAadministrator | Sep 3, 2018 | Habits
To change your habit, you have to deeply believe that you can change – this is called a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset. If you find yourself saying “I will always be fat, unemployable, single, fill in the blank….” You are sending that energy out into the world...
by TAadministrator | Sep 1, 2018 | Video
Tamsin Astor, PhD, your Chief Habit Scientist shares with you “Indulgence! Do you REALLY make the time” so you can cultivate the healthy habits to live a life of freedom! #forceofhabit #indulgence #slowdown #sensual...
by TAadministrator | Aug 30, 2018 | Video
Write down all the shitty feelings that emerge around why you have this habit. Then tear up this piece of paper and if you can BURN it, releasing it into the atmosphere! #mindset #letgo
by TAadministrator | Aug 29, 2018 | Video
Tamsin Astor, PhD, your Chief Habit Scientist shares with you “Easy as 1,2,3! Adding a new habit” so you can cultivate the healthy habits to live a life of freedom! #stressmangement #forceofhabit #habit #habits #dailyhabits #organize...
by TAadministrator | Aug 28, 2018 | Habits
We often create long stories about who we are and why we can or cannot change a habit. Perhaps it’s a familial story, something that is deeply ingrained, perhaps it’s a result of a specific event in your life that triggered this habit as a coping response. Then...