Rumor has it that Coco Chanel was responsible for the fashion of sun-tanning. Being sun-tanned was previously considered to be something that was a side-effect of working outside, which was not considered fashionable. Fashion – strange one isn’t it?!
There are two kinds of UltraViolet light from the sun: UVA and UVB. UVB causes the most damage, it is the stronger of the two and causes the external sunburn that we see. UVA is weaker, but penetrates deeper into the skin and causes damage that we can’t see.
Since we have become aware of skin cancers and UVA and UVB in the west, we have all been encouraged to wear sunscreen every day. However, there seem to be now epidemic levels (3/4 of teens and adults) of Vitamin D deficiency and increases in skin cancers. However, Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in cancer too!
A recent epidemiological study, which followed 30,000 women for 20 years showed that women who avoided sun exposure had double the rate of mortality compared to women in the highest exposure group. However, others will argue that these results are clearly not anti-sunscreen and those women who died were in a catch-all category and have been mis-interpreted. And in 2000 a Swedish Study noted that higher rates of melanoma were found in those who used sunscreen compared to those who don’t. This may in part be due to the toxic ingredients that we use in sunscreen, lotion, shampoo etc these days.
I am not going to tell you what to do. Usually one can find evidence to support each side of the argument. I am just presenting some of the evidence so that you can make up your own mind. Generally, I try to follow my mother’s suggestion which is “most things in moderation” and of course, try to avoid the sun between 10am-2pm when it is at its hottest.
However, if you want a cheaper, healthier and super-quick recipe for your own sunscreen, here it is: I made and used this for my family last week on vacation. You have to re-apply more often, and you want to avoid applying it just before you roll around in the sand (it is a little sticky)!!
½ c almond oil
¼ c coconut oil
2 tbs shea butter
(optional 1 tsp red raspberry seed oil)
¼ c beeswax
2 tbs non-nano Zinc Oxide (won’t be absorbed into skin and potentially deposited in internal organs)
The first four ingredients all have natural spf around 4 or 5. The Zinc Oxide makes the sunscreen closer to spf 15 or 20. Mix all ingredients except Zinc Oxide together in a clean (I boil in water to sterilize) pint jam jar and place jam jar in a saucepan of water. The ingredients will start to melt. When all melted, remove from water and stir in Zinc Oxide carefully (do not inhale it). Let it cool. Refrigerate for longer shelf-life (about 6 months). (Recipe is modified from wellness mama and delicious obsessions.)
Tamsin Astor-Jack writes at
©Tamsin Astor-Jack, Yoga Brained LLC