Kids thrive in a rhythmic environment. Yet this rhythm is hard to cultivate in our over-scheduled, activity-laden lifestyle, where after-school activities vary in time and location! The more routine and rhythm you can inject into your day, the more mental space there is free for you to think, create and ponder!
Mornings started going much more smoothly in my family when I laid out clear expectations. I have three kids with different needs so I decided a regular daily morning routine was needed for our collective sanity! Breakfast is at 7am. Technology is turned off at 7am. After breakfast feed the pets. Then practice instruments. I get to the kitchen at 645am, put on the coffee and the radio, so I am ready to go at 7am!
Here are few tips for your and your family to find a nourishing rhythm:
1) After a light supper, homework, activities – connect as a family. Talk a walk. Play a game.
2) Bath or shower with essential oils e.g. lavender or vanilla and dimmed lights or candles.
3) Drink a warm cup of spiced milk (e.g. cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, turmeric – a natural sedative) and read a calming book or meditate and go to bed at the SAME TIME every day.
Check out the yoga nidra or kids meditation here:
1) Wake up at the SAME TIME every day – help your body cultivate it’s own rhythm.
2) Scrape your tongue and drink 1-2 glasses of warm water.
3) Move! Walk the dog, do 10 minutes of Yoga.
Here’s a video of morning yoga:
Here’s a video of kids yoga:
Be kind to yourself and remember that your day starts the night before!